Ahhhh what a lovely weekend:)
Eva called Friday night to say Abby wasn't feeling well, so we decided we would wait until Saturday morning to see how she was feeling, and if she needed to stay home I'd come to their place for the weekend.
However, by Saturday morning she was feeling much better. By the time she got to our place her fever was pretty much gone.
So we took it easy in the morning - doing some colouring and watching dvds....
(this is a tree by the way)
Later that afternoon her temp was gone, so we decided to pop out to do some errands. We walked by the kids place 'Eddie
Katz' and she kept saying 'CATS CATS' so we popped in to play for a little bit.
The cheese pizza was delicious!
And the juice!
On the way home she got upset by the light rain hitting her face - so I gave her my umbrella.
How cute is this? Walking with her pink balloon trailing her
But at times she needed help holding the umbrella up

Abby and Murray - thankfully the rain went away quickly!
On the way to do our errands we also came across a charity book sale and picked up a few cute Disney books - she was thrilled! We got home early afternoon, and just spent the rest of the day watching dvds (Happy Feet is so cute!), colouring, and just chilling out.
Sunday we decided to go see the dinosaurs at the Natural History museum. We were lucky that it turned out to also be family day on Exhibition road - so all of the museums down there had family activities. SO, after checking out the dinosaur display, we headed over to the Victoria and Albert museum to make masks! It was bizarre - they had tons of craft supplies for us - which we collected in a little plastic tub. Then we were told to just spread out on the floor to make our mask! However, this was in the middle of an actual display.... so we had people stepping over us to look at ancient tapestries behind the glass! So strange! Abby chose to make a fish headdress / mask - we had a good time putting it together! Afterwards she decided she wanted to go to the park. So we picked up a yummy ice cream, and got on the bus.
We went to Eel Brook common - which is near Fulham station. They have a great play park for kids her size. Big enough that she could go through it again and again and not get bored, but not set up too high that I had to be worried about her falling off and hurting herself. I sat and watched her while she played for a few hours - she really had a great time!
Afterwards we headed back onto another bus (upstairs of course - for the view!) and chilled out while eating some dinner and watching Alice in Wonderful (wow I haven't seen that movie in YEARS)!
Overall it was a really great weekend. It was SO lovely to spend time with her. I was impressed by her maturity, and as always loved all her cuddles:) She is so sweet - it was wonderful to spend some quality time with her!
More pictures to follow tomorrow ! (sorry these ones today are so blurry - they are just from my mobile phone - better ones to follow tomorrow:)
Labels: abby