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"One of the Lowenbrau tents rocking"
"A perfect motivation to get going early in the morning regardless of how bleak you feel."
What happens if you arrive late (how sad does that guy look in the window)!
Travel Blog - COMING SOON!
"One of the Lowenbrau tents rocking"
"A perfect motivation to get going early in the morning regardless of how bleak you feel."
What happens if you arrive late (how sad does that guy look in the window)!
Mruray called me this morning to tell me that he saw a lady standing close to the edge of the platform this morning, not really paying attention, and she accidentally dropped one of her shoes onto the tracks! There's nothing they can do (as the lines are live) they'd have to shut down the system to get to it (which they are so not going to do)! So there she is on her way to the airport with one high heel and couple of suitcases! Oh my gosh! I hope she had a spare pair in her suitcase!
I met my Mom and Dad at the airport this morning. We had a nice breakfast and an hour to chat before they had to catch their next plane to Italy. They will be back in London a week from tomorrow for 2 nights, looking forward to that. They brought along a little suitcase of stuff for Murray and I. Inside is some yummy American candy, salad dressings (YAY!), a no bake cheese cake mix (gosh I haven't had that in YEARS! - thanks Mariah), and my pumas (shoes) that I forgot in Minnesota in June (ahhh how I missed them). Wow is it an ugly suitcase though - it must be 20 years old. They chose that one so we can just throw it away so they don't have to worry about bringing back an empty case.
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups |
![]() Very popular, one of you is not enough. |
Last night I got to the train station to discover a TON of people hanging out in the entrance way. Turns out the trains were suspended due to the radios being down. They told us they'd be back up and running (probably) within half an hour. So I hung around for half an hour, when they still had no new information I gave up. Caught a bus to the overland train, a train to the central terminal, and then another train back to Putney, a bus to meet Murray for dinner, then another bus home. **SIGH**
I don't usually comment on what book I'm reading on my blog because I usually stick to chick lit. I like having a book to read that relaxes me after a day of work, rather than having to think too hard. However, I highly recommend the book 'Freakonomics.' Wow, just SO fascinating! It is about applying economic principles to real life to explain things. The book is a sort of collection of a few random topics, with no real unifying theme, but very interesting! One chapter is entitled 'What do Sumo Wrestlers and Teachers have in common?' Another discusses how much obsessive parenting really matters (i.e. reading a lot to your child, putting them in early learning programmes, etc etc) and how much does the name you have effect your success in life. Anyhow, I don't want to give too much away. Great book though!
Cheesiest boy band in the world - Us5!
Also on the show was a very very emotional piece about a seven year old boy who needs a bone marrow transplant in the next 4 weeks to survive. They shared the horrendous statistic with us that if you are white and need a bone marrow transplant you have a 1 in 5 chance of finding a match, but if you are mixed race or black you have a 1 in 100,000 chance. How terrible! The little boy's mother started sobbing on stage while appealing for people who are mixed race to come forth and sign up to be a donor. Then they brought out the little boy, oh so so sad, had us all in tears. I really hope they find a match for him!
Anyhow, on a happier note. Last night Karen came over and we subjected her to watching our wedding video and looking at pictures. We also got to see some of her great videos!
It's chilly today in London, I could see my breath this morning at the bus stop, which kinda freaked me out! Winter is definitely on it's way!
Eva just sent me this photo of Abby. Saturday morning Abby & I were playing with some of the toys she brought and we could hear Richard walking around upstairs - Abby turned to me and said 'it's a monster'! Ha ha. So along with this photo Eva attached a voice message of Abby saying 'it's a monster' over and over - CUTE!
If you're in the UK and want to see me, Heather & Lorraine on tv - The Sharon Osbourne show we attended is on tonight at 5pm on ITV.
I seem to have a lazy left eye - frightening!) Karen & Murray - always nice to catch up with friends you haven't seen in ages!
Wow - are we happy or what? Me, Karen & her fun friends.
View of the palace as I exited
The gown exhibition was the best part - SO SO SO many beautiful dresses!
They were dresses from the 1940's onwards - this close up one on the right was stunning.
After finishing at the palace I had an hour to kill before meeting with friends so I did a bit of shopping. I love Covent Garden - so many good shops and such a cute area:)
I met up with Lorraine and Heather in the afternoon to queue up to see a taping of the Sharon Osbourne Show. I'm glad we got there early as there were already quite a few people in line when we got there. The buzz in the line was that we might be seeing David Beckham, as we saw a commercial the day before that said he'd be on the show that week. When we got as we were being 'warmed up' by a comedian I was keeping and eye on the teleprompter to see who the guests would be. When I saw the name David Beckham come up I grabbed Heather's knee and screamed a little, causing her to also scream. He he. Everyone turned around to stare at us - but who cares - to see him - and A list star would be fantastic. Turned out he was not actually there (very very disappointing) it was just a clip of her earlier interview with him. Oh well. Sharon's a pro - they filmed 'as live' which meant it was quick and only shot once. She had Sunita from the X Factor (our Simon Cowel pop idol type show), some soap actress (no idea who she is), some of the bad performers from the X Factor auditions, and 2 kids who grew a quarter of a ton pumpkin. It was fun - quick taping - great format - I quite enjoyed it:)
OH and of course the most important thing about today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my twin aunties Joni & Jani! :)
They unearthed a World War 2 bomb nearby where I work yesterday. They had to evacuate the nearby buildings and everything! I guess they're taking it off for a 'controlled explosion' at another site. How bizarre! I just can't believe some of those are still around! Although I guess you do hear of them coming across these things once and awhile in London. Still though - that's crazy!
Last night I skipped out on a company bowling night to go home and do laundry and have an early night instead.
Last night we went to a viewing of our photos from the session we did last week. We got there 20 minutes early, thinking maybe we could get in and out a bit early (as we both were really tired). After waiting for nearly half an hour they came out and said they were running about 15 minutes late, and that if we wanted to wait in the pub next door they'd call us when they were ready. Forty five minutes later, we had finished a drink and chatted for awhile and finally went back to the studio - they STILL had not finished. By this time I was upset - we had an APPOINTMENT - and they keep us waiting for an hour - not good.
We went over to a Braai (South African BBQ, also known as Sausage Sizzle in Oz) at a friend's place. Had a lovely Boerewors Roll (a spicy sausage in a bun - also known as a roll) with chakalaka (a spicy salsa like sauce). Although there was a mix-up with sauce. They realized after a few of us had heaped tons of the 'mild' sauce onto our rolls and eaten a few bites that it was actually the 'very hot' mix - opps! It was still really nice though!
But first, a funny story I forgot to write about yesterday.
Friday night we went to see a series of 'Endurance' movies, part of a special week long showing of Adventure movies at our local theatre. There were 6 'movies' in total that night.
Well, 2 years anyway. I just realized that today is my anniversary - 2 years at this job:)
Me battling it out with Anita (this was her cheap shot - she jabbed me!)
It was really unsteady - hard just to stand up!
In my final battle against Sarah (wearing the big boss's shirt as she decided it might not be a good idea to joust in her boob tube)
No pictures of my sumo wrestling unfortunately:( I think it was too dark by then. But here's a good picture of two guys in our group having it out - and you can see there were TONS of people standing around watching!
I'm glad it's past mid week, although I must say today feels like a Wednesday. I don't know why.
Last night we had a work 'celebration' in honour of passing the first of 3 big milestones on our project.
I let her put on one of my necklaces and all of my bracelets and a hair band.
Then gave her my little lipstick compact which she LOVED (although she ended up putting most of it on her face rather than her lips). She kept looking at me smiling and saying 'Abby good painting' ha ha.
Cutie! She's almost 2 1/2 now (end of this month).
This was Abby & Murray's game. He'd hold her up in the blanket as she was screaming with delight. She absolutely loved it and kept yelling MORE MORE! Which they kept up until Murray's arms were exhausted (she's getting really heavy)!
Me & Brenda & Randy at Piccadilly Circus Saturday evening
Saw some interesting things on my commute home yesterday on the tube.
Last night we went to a taping of The Charlotte Church Show. For those of you who don't know, Charlotte was a famous singer from a very young age (known as the voice of an angel). She now has a reputation (at 20 years old) for being a wild party girl, and has just bagged her own weekly night time chat show (this was the taping of only her second show).
It actually was quite good! Much better than I expected. They had a great stand up comedian who kept us entertained between takes (which was great since it was a 3 hour taping)! Charlotte herself looked great in person (smaller than the tabloids make her out to be) and very pretty (although she was caked in makeup). She had 2 guests - Patsy Kensit (who was married to Liam Gallagher from Oasis) and American comedian Ruby Wax.
The show went quite smoothly, after they taped us clapping. Then clapping and cheering. Then just cheering. Then cheering then clapping. Wow, that got old quickly. Charlotte didn't swear much at all, other than was was scripted and a few times when she messed up her lines.
The section 'Wales versus the World' was hilarious! They had two (as they described) 'Crap Acts' - one from Wales (supposedly) and one from the 'rest of the world' (which last night happened to be Australia)! The act from Australia was a guy who was covered in oil and pushed himself into a gigantic balloon. So so weird. The funniest part is when he was totally inside and had just one leg sticking out. At the end of his act he popped the balloon and appeared wearing a cheaply made Elvis costume and awful wig (he went in wearing some frightening looking tight blue biker shorts). The second act (from Wales) was a woman who 'ate fire' and then took her top off, stuck things over her bits and lit a little string and ball attached on each one. She lit those on fire then twirled them. I think everyone was just in shock! Thank goodness the Australian guy won! HA!
Ruby Wax was actually quite entertaining, and not too annoying. Patsy Kensit was very pretty - but looked like she had a had a lot of work done, her face looked very stretched out. And wow did she have ugly shoes on (sorry, I notice these things)! Oh, and by the way - I loved Charlotte's shoes - very nice!
The band was called 'Orson.' I must say that's one of my favourtie sections of the show. Charlotte sang along with the band. It was well rehearsed and came across really well actually (other than the fact that they had to film it twice). She sounded great, but the lead singer of Orson was even better.
The other great part of the show was the prefilmed and in studio skits. The one we got to see live was Charlotte dressed up as Paris Hilton. Quite funny actually. She got upset when she was told by her agent that her album has sold negative albums (more people returning it then actually buying it) and threw her dog down and kicked it (don't worry - it was a stuffed pooch)! Then she demanded another dog, before having another fit and kicking that one into the audience too. He he he.
Anyhow, it was fun. And free! I wish her the best of luck with her show. But to be honest, I don't think it will last. I don't think the format is catchy enough to capture enough viewers. But, we'll see I guess. We were all a bit disappointed though when she told us who'd be on next week :( Johnny Vegas (a great UK comedian) and singer Nelly Furtado. Boooo I want to see THEM! I will definitely be applying for more tickets today!
I have nothing interesting to say today.
Most of my American food bounty!
Last night we stopped by the best Italian restaurant in London - Il MazCalzone. Love the food, love the service, love the low prices! And some friends of ours just happened to be there at the exact same time! Made for nice chatty dinner:)
And now, here are a few belated pictures of the flowers Murray gave me last weekend
Lillies & Roses
Gladiolas, sunflowers & exotic flowers