HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And because it's my blog so I can do what I want - lots more weekend pictures!!!

Don't ya just love the red streak down the front as well!

Travel Blog - COMING SOON!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And because it's my blog so I can do what I want - lots more weekend pictures!!!
Don't ya just love the red streak down the front as well!
Saturday night we went into Central London for a night out to an engagement celebration. I snapped this photo from our bus - Harrods looks SO gorgeous when it is all lit up at night!
Sunday Murray and I went to Richmond. We had a LOVELY pub roast lunch and then spent the rest of the day walking through the gorgeous parks they have down there and shopping. Can you believe I am sitting outside - in a t-shirt - on OCTOBER 29th! WOW!
This is the squirrel that was stalking Murray. When it started running straight at him I yelled for him to be careful cause it might bite - which sent it running away - opps!
This flowers garden park is GORGEOUS! A hidden gem in Richmond that not many people seem to know about cause it's tucked away just outside of the centre of town. (The way to get there is to go left when you get down to the river and continue walking along until you come to a cute little tunnel that goes under the road (on your left) then you pop out in this great little park)!
Richmond is so lovely and has SO much history - gorgeous! I could totally see living in that area!
We have loads more (and BETTER) pictures on Murray's camera - I will post them tomorrow....
Last night in preparation for some friends coming over tonight I decided to make mini cheese cakes (using the mix my Mom & Dad brought over from the states). Thus, I needed cup cake holders (or 'cases' as they are called over here). I went to 4 yes FOUR different groceries stores.... and this is all I could find!
But I didn't want to make teeny tiny cheese cakes, but cupcake sized cheesecakes. :(
When I got home I peeked in our cupboard just to see if I by chance did have some left over from the last time I made something in a cupcake holder a LONG time ago and lo and behold I found THESE!!!!
THANK GOODNESS! The personal cheese cakes turned out perfectly. I love that they're the perfect size for 1 person and they look so cute! I even tried one out last night - just to make sure they tasted ok - he he.
I was however happy to see at the grocery store that Halloween is becoming a bigger deal over here in the UK. When I moved here 5 years ago I'm pretty sure they didn't have as much Halloween themed stuff as they do now. YAY! I got a bag of these for our Spanish class & one for work next week, because that's as close to 'celebrating' Halloween as I'm gonna get.
The only thing left now is to buy a pumpkin! I wanted to get one last night, but didn't want to have to lug it home on top of all the other bags I got. I DID however see that Waitrose will sell you the pumpkin in a cute Halloween box and it comes with the stuff to carve it - FUN!
Ahhhhhh but Christmas is coming as well - you know it's that time of the year when Starbucks brings out the red cups!!!!!!!!
Idea stolen from one of my favourite bloggers A Novelist
A friend emailed me this yesterday. I admit it took me AGES to find the guy, and took Murray about 2 seconds. How fast can you find him?
Well, not really. But I forgot to mention yesterday that when I got on the bus home my driver had pink spiky hair, lots of piercings & had QUITE a resemblance to Billy Idol. I sang 'white wedding' to myself on the way home.
I feel like it's now officially winter - today is the first day I have worn my winter coat!
I had a nice weekend. Saturday I watched Abby in the morning. We had a nice time, she was super cute as usual, and she brought us some LOVELY chocolates as a thank you for watching her.
Sorry it's poor quality. Best my camera phone could do at 6:30 this morning:)
Saturday night I met up with a friend at TGI Fridays for dinner & drinks. We were laughing about how funny it is when British people try to 'act American.' Our server was over the top friendly (well, for UK standards), although she was short with us and actually not a very good watiress, just fake over friendly. Below is a poor quality photo of when the severs made a guy sitting near us stand on his chair so they could very loudly sing Happy Birthday to him. Although you could see in their faces they were SO embarassed to have to do that in front of a whole crowd of people. But, I'm not complaining, I love that they say 'HELLO!!!!!' when you enter the restaurant and yell to you 'HAVE A NICE NIGHT' when you're leaving:)
This morning, for the 5th consecutive time this week, I was asked to show a second id this morning. The person who checked my badge coming into work looked at it, looked at me, looked at it, looked at me. Then he asked for a second id to prove I am indeed me. All I have with my married name on it is a credit card and my gym card, which was good enough Monday through Thursday, but today he wanted a photo id. So I showed him my MBA student card which has my photo and first name, but my maiden surname. I had HAD it today, so I asked WHY all of the sudden, after (officially today!) 100 weeks at this job, NOW you start questioning my photo? Do I look THAT different? He apologized, saying my photo just didn't look like me. Ok, fine. If this keeps up I may just have to ask to get a new photo for my badge as it's driving me MAD! Oh, and the bus went on a different route this morning, also make me late for work. Thank goodness it's Friday.
A friend of mine just sent this to me - I had to share it here. So touching, amazing, brought tears to my eyes:)
I was unsure whether to blog about this or not, but you know what? I can't stop thinking about it - so I'm going to.
These ads are all up over London at the moment. It would be different if they had said on the ad WHAT it was for. But to just write 'Nothing good ever came out of America' is just wrong. It's an advertising campaign for a new tv station here called 'US5' that has only US tv shows. The channel claims that we should wait for the rest of the campaign as it will move on to show that the UK really DOES love US shows (which is TRUE)! But to be so blatantly derogatory is really insulting. I read that the Advertising Standards Authority(ASA) has received numerous complaints, and may force the channel to cease this advertising campaign, and on that note I will be complaining as well.
The spokesman for channel 5 says 'The really unique element of the Five ads is the way they turn the anti-American sentiment on its head by eventually touting the country's cultural exports.'
I know that this is what advertising is about, grabbing attention and generating discussion, but why is it necessary to be so offensive and derogatory?
If anyone out there agrees with me - click here to register your complaint.
We watched the Wizard of Oz (cause if I have to watch Ice Age one more time I may flip out)! She really liked it and sat quietly on my lap watching it with me (which was pretty impressive).
Abby holding the cow in leiderhosen that we got her in Germany.
She named him 'Baby Moo Cow.'
In the afternoon she ran into our room and said to me 'Neek - Drums.' I said no, you have to ask Murray - they are his drums. So she ran into the living room yelling 'MOOREEE drum peas' (that's please - ha ha). Mid drum session she turned to Murray and said 'I love drums.' Which we thought was hilarious. Sorry for all the play by play of what she said, but it's still a novelty for us because she's only REALLY started speaking a lot in the last few weeks:)
After Eva picked her up we headed into High Street Kensington for some shopping. We ended up buying each other our xmas gifts. I know it's early, but oh well, at least we both got things we actually want (cause we're both pretty picky). Murray got a cooooooool new pair of shoes and I got a gorgeous black button down 3/4 winter coats (loves it)! That night we went and saw the movie 'The Departed' (review on the sidebar) EXCELLENT movie!