Wednesday - YAY
No pictures yet, will try and get them organised tonight if I don't pass out by 9pm.
SO tired!!!
Last night on the bus ride home the pages started going all swirly and I could barely read them, VERY overtired! So I got home, did TONS of laundry, and went to bed - lovely.
I can't quite believe that we only have 35 days to go in London. I'm excited to see my family and then Murray's family & our friends. And I'm excited to go travelling! But I'm kinda sad to be leaving London, a city I love and our friends and family here. It's tough! We leave exactly 5 weeks from today - and gosh I feel like we still have SO much to do - SO many people to see before we hop on a plane to Minnesota and leave London behind. Wow - I just can't quite get my head around it yet - wow.
Still can't believe you are going either - 5 weeks! Mind you, we've had the pleasure of your company over here for 6 years - your family must miss you terribly!
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