Mo In London

Travel Blog - COMING SOON!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Spider Pig, Spider Pig, Does whatever a spider pig does

Yes, we went and saw the Simpson movie on Saturday. Now we cannot stop singing that darn super pig song - pretty funny though! We also stocked up on post tonsil surgery food for Murray on Saturday (jello, iced lollies, soft fruit, etc etc). Murray is having his tonsils removed today - please cross your fingers, say a little prayer, or whatever it is that you do for him. I am leaving work soon to go to the hospital with him, and I really hope all goes well.

Sunday morning we got picked up at 6am and we headed up to North London with friends to recreate the Abbey Road album cover photo taken 38 years ago.
The Beatles.... or not (from left to right)
Steve as Ringo, Murray as John Lennon, Stuart as Paul McCartney, and Lance as George

In front of the studio (check out that kickin' white suit!)

Murray (sorry, John) and I crossing Abbey Road

This hair do kinda freaks me out!

It was a fun morning! We felt a bit like tourists, but you know it was a fun memory for all of - and we got a great keepsake photo! Highlights include a bus stopping right by Murray as he was changing on the street into his white suit. There were also a few tourists who had come to take photos of the Abbey Road Stuios who managened to stand in the way of our photo while staring at us. And me standing in the middle of the road to snap the photos before cars came along - fun time!

The final photo we got of the 4 boys looks EXCELLENT!!! (I took it) However the file is so big I was not able to post it today - stay tuned - I'll post it soon:)



At 10:35 AM, Blogger andrea said...

Good luck to Murray, I am sure it will go great!!!

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Vegemite Wife said...

Too funny! spot on with the detail though!
Best of luck to Muz with the tonsils - poor thing!!

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me that Zac, at least once, did the John Travolta pose whilst wearing that hysterical suit!?!?!?
FINALLY to be rid of the tonsils! YAY! Best wishes and I've sent monster prayers your way!
Love you both,


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