I HATE Royal Mail !!
My vent for this sorta overcast Wednesday. I am beginning to really hate Royal Mail. I sent a package 7 working days ago to my friend with a home made gift for her new baby and some cute clothing - and it seems to have disappeared! Royal Mail does have record of selling the label to me (I paid extra for tracking and signed delivery!!) but it doesn't seem to have been scanned since. They are trying to tell me this CAN happen due to human error. However every time I call they exclaim 'oh, that's strange' so I know this isn't normal. I'm thinking the package was stolen from the post office or fell off a truck somewhere. All I know for sure is that it has not arrived in the states, and I can't can't a refund until 25 working days have passed *SIGH*. THIS is why I paid EXTRA for tracking and signed delivery - because I didn't want it to go missing!!!!
On top of that today the Industrial Action starts - they are going on strike for TWO WEEKS!!!! According to their website there still will be SOME limited service - but I'm not really sure what that means!
I really hope that package turns up, but after having had 2 packages I sent to Australia go missing forever into mail limbo, I am not very hopeful:(
Last night Murray startled me at midnight by yelling at me to quickly get dressed as he thought the fire alarm downstairs was going off. So we jumped up and went to race out of the flat, but when he stuck his head out the window we realised it was actually just a car alarm. It just happened that at that same time the chick in the flat downstairs had a shouting match with her drunk boyfriend (we think). Nice. So - I'm tired today. Oh well - already mid week right?
Oh and I saw something that made me chuckle a bit this morning. There has been a spate of fridge thefts at work lately - I had a yogurt go missing last week! So a guy showed me this morning how he tries to deter people from stealing his milk - he wrote POISON on the side - ha ha! I wonder if it works?
Oh and - it's still not summer here - it's August NEXT WEEK and it's still around 20c (70f) every day and rainy. Where is our darn summer darn it? This is my last London summer - and I want one like the past 5 - warm & lovely - picnics on the weekend - relaxing by the river with a glass of Pimms. But this darn rain & not warm enough for summer weather is getting me down. So COME OUT SUN (((stomping my feet))). Let's hope that works:)
Although I feel really bad that you and Murray jumped out of bed at midnight it did make me chuckle that it was due to a car alarm - you now know Murray is on top of things in case of an emergency!
Ha ha well I should have said it was the alarm & the shouting that worried us. Just happened to be drunk neighbours & car alarm at the same time:) I'm glad he's on top of things though too - better safe than sorry! :)
Very funny! Surprised you didn't think about setting the CAR alight! LOL!
Royal Mail is probably going to hold up my guide book that I bought online for this weekend!
Such a shame your last summer is a bit rubbish :( I'm going to stay for one more in the hope that it's better...
So I see you've had a good week then??
Well..... not too bad of a week actually. I just wish the Royal Mail would get their butt in gear and find my package:(
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