Mo In London

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Almost the weekend! But no tea :( :(

Good day yesterday.

I got a lot of work done.

Came home to a lovely gift from my very thoughtful sister-in-law (I think I actually said out loud - to myself - wow she can read my mind).

Got some laundry done.

And had a long chat with good friend Beth about babies and family and just life. I got off the phone call with a big smile on my face. I miss her SO much - but those kind of phone calls are just wonderful - nice to know you're still good friends even though you have lived thousands of miles away from one another for years. And nice to know we can still blab for an hour and a half with no awkward silences. Miss ya Bethy:)

And today - the horror of it - I forgot my desk key. All the way into work this morning I was dreaming about buying some milk from the canteen and mixing in the lovely chai latte drink mix Helen brought me from Australia and enjoying a cuppa at my desk. But I forgot my desk key:( DARN IT! This always seems to happen when I switch bags. I packed my gym bag for tonight because Helen and Murray are off to the theatre to see 'We Will Rock You' and I figured I should be productive and maybe go exercise for a bit. I checked and double checked my purse (or hand bag as it's known here) to make sure that I had everything - because I always seem to forget something. However I forgot to check the pocket where a little tiny key was resting. So now, no chai today, no green tea, and 7 hours and 29 minutes to go - major bummer:(

Oh and one more bit of good news - PLEASE CROSS YOUR FINGERS for me!!!! I spoke to the Australian embassy this morning. Apparently my case worker is on holiday, so someone else called me back to say they did receive my police check. She also said that she will go through my file today, and if indeed that was the last piece of paperwork they were missing and everything else is in order she will make her decision today or tomorrow !!! She said she'll let me know via email, then I can drop my passport off in person, get the visa put in it, then I'm DONE! Fingers Crossed !!!!!!!


At 3:00 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Ooohhhh....keep us posted, please! Good luck!


At 5:52 PM, Blogger A Novelist said...

Good luck! My fingers are crossed for you! ;)

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got my fingers crossed for you!


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