Mo In London

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I love long weekends :)

I love long weekends - even when the weather stinks!

Caught up on American Idol - Good final show - although AGAIN I am so disappointed in our free daily paper The Metro who AGAIN this year ruined the finale for us by printing the winner before it was aired here:( Bummer! And yes I did email them to complain - no response back though....

We also went to the Kylie exhibition at the Victoria & Albert museum. It was great! Loads of costumes, photos and a room with a bag stage documentary. Very interesting!

The weather was rainy & gross here this weekend, just like last year (yes I remember it raining while moving last year too - that was fun). Yesterday was SO cold! We were out shopping in the city in the afternoon & I wished I had brought my winter coat along! Broke my umbrella too - ahhh good times. We did make an exciting purchase though - some hiking boots! Thought they would be good for our long rambling walks:) I let Murray convince me to go for comfort rather than looks - but oh it was hard - they are UGLY!!! But compared the the cute pink ones - I have to admit they really are so so much more comfy! But to make up for the non attractiveness of the boots I also got a super cute pair of shorts - city shorts - not hiking - but Ohhhhh are they cute! Can't wait for it to warm up so I can wear them!!!!

And YAY I am SO SO glad it's Tuesday already! Whooo hoooo :) And I'm glad it's not raining again today - let's hope it starts to get WARM again now!

Yesterday for our anniversary we went out for a YUMMY Thai meal - gosh I love Thai!!! And then we went to King Gong at The Comedy Store. It was great - very funny:) It was all amateur comedians - who the crowd either cheered or jeered - and if they got enough boos the mc would hit the big gong and they were kicked off stage. We really enjoyed it! Was a fun unusual night out! Although I can't imagine getting up on that stage - the crowd was brutal! I think the record last night was 20 seconds. As the night went on and the crowd got more rowdy - if the person didn't start with a good joke they would get booed off straight away. One guy just said 'Hi I'm xxx, I'm from Egypt' - which got booed!!! We thought that was a bit unfair! If you lasted for 5 minutes you made it into the final and then the 2 finalists had 1 minute each to out joke each other. The two guys last night actually tied - both were hilarious!


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Vegemite Wife said...

rambling? you guys!? would never have picked you as the type!
anyway, if you want to go walking, let me know - I've been exploring the peak and lake districts up this way which has some of the best walks. you're of course welcome to crash here as well!

Suze x

At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said " Hi I'm from Egypt, so you know I love a crowd"....boooo

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Monique said...

That's right - thanks 'anonymous' aka Murray :)


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