Mo In London

Travel Blog - COMING SOON!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Just as I thought 'Summer is on the way! It's getting so warm and lovely - isn't this nice!'
Then the weather decides to remind me that yes - this is still winter - it's on March!
BURRRRRRRRR it has been SO SO cold the last few days! I had put away my gloves and hat weeks ago when it started to get so warm, had to dig them back out Monday night though. Monday after the gym Murray and I stood on a bridge waiting for a bus and froze - it was SO cold!!! This morning it was snowing!!! Pretty though - I must say. But the ground isn't cold enough for it to stick, so it melts straight away. Still pretty though. But Darn it - Easter break is only 2 weeks away - I hope it warms up!

Last night I read that New York Magazine has named London the World Capital of the 21st Century. That's pretty cool!.

They said: "If Paris was the capital of the 19th century and New York of the 20th, London is shaping up to be the capital of the 21st century."

I agree! I love this city!


At 11:55 AM, Blogger di.di said...

i was in london last february... for a short holiday.. we went to london and barcelona.. but frankly speaking, i prefer barcelona... due to its nice weather....

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Monique said...

Maybe at this time of year Drama Diva - but come to London some time in the summer. This city is AMAZING in the summer - i LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right...we'll see how much of a World Capitol it is twenty years from now when 40% of the London populus are radical Islamists. I wish the city luck, but the demographics don't paint a pretty picture for the future.

At 3:26 PM, Blogger A Novelist said...

Yeah, yesterday in NY it was 25 degrees and very windy as I left my apartment! Days before it snowed, it was warm, almost 70! I'm still waiting for warmer weather... :-)


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