Mo In London

Travel Blog - COMING SOON!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hola Gordos!

The paper said this morning that today is officially the coldest day yet this winter - 2c (34f) in London. Burrrrr! It was COLD waiting for the bus! Now I know I'm from a very cold place, but then I never stood outside for 10 minutes at a bus stop in Minnesota EVER!

I took my hat off once I got on the bus (because I had a good blow dry day & didn't want to ruin my hair). However when I stood up to get OFF the bus I forgot to grab my hat. When I got on the tube I realized it was gone, must have fallen off my lap onto the floor. Bummer. Especially since I have to wait for a bus from Spanish home tonight too! Shoot.

BUT it was SO bright and sunny this morning - it put me in a GREAT mood!

And I get to leave work half an hour early today to resume my Spanish lessons!!!! This is level 2 'elementary' Spanish. I'm looking forward to it! This time I'm going to try to schedule study time into my week as well. The class is good for practicing speaking, but you really do have to study vocab on your own as well.

I asked some of my international friends who are learning another language and came up with the best way for me - that hopefully I can stick to!!! Will try it for a week or 2 & see how it goes. I'm going to get the Spanish cd's a guy at work gave me onto my ipod to listen to at the gym, I'm going to study flash cards every night right before bed for 10 minutes or so (to work on vocab) and I'm going to set aside a few hours Saturday morning to go to the gym then study.

All in all not ALL that much, but hopefully enough to help me progress a bit more. And realistic for me. I just can't fathom giving up my leisure reading time. For my morning commute I always read the paper, and on the way home I read a book - it's how I unwind from work.

Anyhow - wish me luck!

Hasta MaƱana!


At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohh, stay warm! It's going to be cold here today too (high of 35F; low of 30F) as well as the rest of the week. Guess winter is finally here. :)


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