Mo In London

Travel Blog - COMING SOON!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Long login

Gosh it took me forever to login today.
Well let's see - what did I not blog about in the last 2 days?

Tuesday I got very very busy at work and ended up having to stay late to finish some things off. Thus I missed my last beginner Spanish class :( AND they had mince pies & mulled wine - such a bummer.

Last night I worked late as well, and on the way home stopped to pick up something to eat. The check out guy at the grocery store made my night when he carded me for buying a little bottle of wine. I looked at him and said 'Really'? (you have to be just 18 to drink here) - he said 'Yes, I'm so sorry, but I need to see a picture id.' I said 'Great, no problem, I'm nearly 10 years past the legal age, but you made my day!'

I guess I look young in my hat, I dunno.

Yesterday was the annual Christmas celebrations at work. The canteen had a 'Christmas lunch' of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, potatoes & veggies - quite nice actually. AND..... we had entertainment. Last year we had Anastasia, the year before Britney Spears, and this year - Christina Agulera. OH MY GOSH - it was hilarious. The impersonator had two backup dancers and she was dressed like Christina of a few years ago - long blonde and black hair, little tiny top, and chaps. We stayed for about half an hour - it was so entertaining - so so so funny, and actually she wasn't too bad a of singer.

I love Christmas time in the UK - there's just nothing better than a little mince pie and a cup of milky tea with sugar - yummmmmm!

I also watched the second half of a great programme on tv last night. It's called 'The Secret Millionaire.' They had a guy who's a millionaire live and work for a period of time in a village with people who don't have much money. After his experience there he got to decide who to give £30,000 to. He ended up splitting it up - £15,00 for a lovely couple who were struggling with their restaurant business, £10,000 to a woman who helps out a lot in her community but was having a really tough time financially, and £5000 for a really nice man who had a few kids and worked very hard but could never afford to treat them to a holiday or anything. It was really just SO SO touching and lovely.

Tonight I am looking forward to NOT working another 12 hour day (hooray!) and going straight home after work to relax! Bring on the weekend!!!!


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Suzer said...

hola monique. got yr blog addy off another blog listing and having a look. i'm a midwesterner in london as well, for 2 more weeks, then off to australia as well with my fella. seems we have a few 'locations' in common.

keep well,


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