Mo In London

Travel Blog - COMING SOON!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

TIRED! again

Ahhh public transport - sometimes I love you for you convenience - sometimes I want to scream and run to the nearest black cab.

Last night when I got on the tube I groaned in my head when I saw all the people wearing blue jerseys - oh no - Chelsea football game tonight. When there is a game on that means Earl's Court platform is almost crowded to capacity - hudreds of people!!!! I was told a tip last week about how to get on the tube when it's that crowded. I was told your best bet is to position yourself to the side of where the door opens, rather than in the centre. This is because once the doors open and people start pushing, if you're in the centre you often get pushed backward as the people on the sides surge forward (which I call tell you by experience IS true)! So last night I positioned myself to the side, and when the doors opened I was one of the first people in. I looked over and saw a pot of gold - AN OPEN SEAT - I looked around and asked 'is anyone going to sit there?' they all stared at me blankly, so I ran over and sat down. Wow, that is INCREDIBLE luck I tell you! (It was so crowded that when the train stopped between stations for a few minutes I heard a woman yell 'please open the window' - yuck)!

Had a lovely evening at Heather's place: yummy food, good books to exchange and GREAT chat & gossip!

This morning I was about ready to scream on the bus. Or, in a more English manner - I just put my head down in my book and continued reading because there was nothing I could do. I ran to the store this morning to top Murray up with pain killers, bottles of water, soup and ice cream so he didn't have to leave the house (still quite sick)! Then I went down and waited for the bus. Once I finally got on we didn't go more than a mile before getting stuck in the worst traffic I had EVER seen on that road. After half an hour the bus driver annouced that due to the traffic this bus would be terminating at the half way point. NO GOOD for me because that is the only bus that goes all the way to Hammersmith where I needed to catch the tube. So I just got off there, and walked back TOWARDS my house and got another bus on another route back to Hammersmith. All in all I was an hour and a half late for work - great - fantastic.

Oh well, thank goodness tomorrow is FRIDAY!


At 8:09 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Oh no! You poor thing!! How frustrating...


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