Mo In London

Travel Blog - COMING SOON!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Almost the end of the week??? ALREADY?

We had a great night last night. We met up at Nandos for chicken (YUMMM) and then went and saw the new James Bond movie (MUCH better than I thought it would be)! On the way home a Fulham football game was just getting out so there were hundreds of people crowding Putney Bridge Station and Putney Bridge itself - bizarre! And I brought home my second suitcase, which I had stashed under my desk for the past 2 days because I was too lazy to drag it home (it DOES weigh 30 pounds!!!). Mostly full of books and candy (no, not all for me - ha ha)!

Today on the way to the tube my heel broke off, not happy about that. I need to find some super glue to temporarily fix them for the day.

But it's shaping up to be a lovely day - and hopefully my first night back to the gym!!


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with 30 lbs worth of books and candy :)

Glad you had a good time and you are both back safe!

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandma Sis and I are sitting here laughing away! If it's not 3 hours late, or some weirdos on the tube, then it's your heel breaking off!! It's grand to live vicariously through you Mo!! Never a dull moment! Love you (and your escapades)!

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Monique said...

Ahhhh yes - it's always something ha ha! But I DID find super glue - so hopefully I'll be able to walk all the way home with these shoes. I really don't want to wear my trainers (tennis shoes) with my work clothes - yuck!


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