Mo In London

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Quorn - such a funny word!

I worked late last night, but still managed to stop by the grocery store on the way home. I was looking for tofu for my salad, but couldn't find any. So instead I grabbed a package of Quorn 'Suprisingly low fat Chicken style pieces.'

Hmmmm - a bit of a funny name, but worth I try I thought. I have tried the quorn made to look like ground beef before and it was ok. But I MUST say these 'chicken like pieces' were REALLY yummy - and tasted like and had the consistency of chicken (that kind of freaked me out)! I have a bunch of it on my salad for lunch today - always nice to try something new!

However, I admit, I did have to look up exactly what was in it - as all the packaging said was 'microprotein' - whatever that means! Here's the description from the Quorn site. 'All Quorn products contain mycroprotein. Mycroprotein is a nutritious member of the fungi family, as are mushrooms and truffles.'

How they make mushrooms taste & look like chicken I will never know - but I do know it is GOOD!


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Dizzie said...

Quorn is really good! You wouldn't believe it, but once, a vegetarian friend force-fed me the stuff, and I can say it's not half bad!

Oh, have you ever tried soy/carrot steaks? Not quite like real meat, but half way there... :)

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Sir Dirty Joke said...

Glad to have found your site. I will make sure to check it out more often

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Sir Dirty Joke said...

Glad to have found your site. I will make sure to check it out more often


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